
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Must go to Education Class!

From our friends at definitely want to go! It looks like it is going to be a very insightful class! Be sure to read the quote on Education at the bottom.



Upcoming Event:

From my friends in Highland, UT...
If you have any school age children or grandchildren you might want to plan to come to our monthly Highland Wake Up meeting next Friday evening

Highland Special Event: Friday, February 3rd @ 7:00 pm

Guest Speaker Wendy Hart.

Location: Old Highland City Building, 10400 N Alpine Highway (5300 W), Highland, UT (map link)
Our guest will be Wendy Hart who is currently serving on the Alpine School District Board, here in northern Utah County. She will be speaking on the good, the bad, and the ugly of Common Core and the take over of public education. She will show how once implemented, there will no longer be "local control of education" by parents and locally elected individuals. You're right. The Constitution does not say a word about Federal or global involvement in education. Well, think about it. When has that ever stopped them before?
You thought "No Child Left Behind" was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet. This is "No Child Left Behind" on steroids! And it has been planned and incrementally implemented for decades as Charlotte Iserbyt described in her best selling book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. It is a great read. This is just one of the final nails in the coffin.
Wendy is in a unique position in the belly of the beast and will give you a insiders perspective of what is really going on in so called public education. This is not just a Washington thing, or a California thing, or something down the road in 20 years. This is already upon us here in Utah.
Think your kids are safe because they are in a Charter school, a private school or even Home School? Guess again. Wendy will show you how the tentacles of this new invasive and pervasive super grab may be able to reach all the way into your little Johnny's home school program. All in the name of government money. Surprise America! Surprise Utah! The net is tightening. Here are two short clips as an intro:
Come early to guarantee your seat. We hope to see you there. Feel free to pass this on.

Latter-day Conservative

Ezra Taft Benson on the Danger of False Educational Ideas

As a watchman on the tower, I feel to warn you that one of the chief means of misleading our youth and destroying the family unit is our educational institutions. President Joseph F. Smith referred to false educational ideas as one of the three threatening dangers among our Church members. There is more than one reason why the Church is advising our youth to attend colleges close to their homes where institutes of religion are available. It gives the parents the opportunity to stay close to their children; and if they have become alert and informed as President McKay admonished us last year, these parents can help expose some of the deceptions of men like Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, John Dewey, Karl Marx, John Keynes, and others.
Today there are much worse things that can happen to a child than not getting a full college education. In fact, some of the worst things have happened to our children while attending colleges led by administrators who wink at subversion and amorality.
Said Karl G. Maeser, “I would rather have my child exposed to smallpox, typhus fever, cholera, or other malignant and deadly diseases than to the degrading influence of a corrupt teacher. It is infinitely better to take chances with an ignorant, but pure-minded teacher than with the greatest philosopher who is impure.”
Vocational education, correspondence courses, establishment in a family business are being considered for their children by an increasing number of parents.
(Source: Ezra Taft Benson, General conference address, October 1970)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Stop Attack on Parents Charge over Children

Protect the Family by protecting parents choice and charge over their children:

Urgent Calls Needed to Stop Obama's Attack on Educational Freedom

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

 "So tonight, I am proposing that every state--every state--requires
 that all students stay in high school until they graduate or turn 18."

 --President Barack Obama, last night's State of the Union speech.

I was shocked when I heard that. Under our U.S. Constitution,
 education matters are left to the states. Our Founders wanted
 decisions about education and a host of other matters left to the
 states and local government so that these important decisions that
 affect every family could easily be influenced by the real decision makers: parents and the family.

 Parents--not the federal government and certainly not the
 president--are the ones who should decide how children are educated
 and when they're ready to graduate from high school.

 But last night, President Obama made it clear that he thinks the
 federal government should be in the business of telling states how
 long children should stay in school. 
 Since we were founded in 1983, HSLDA has fought attempts by state
 legislatures to increase the ages of compulsory attendance in school.
 We do this because parents--not education bureaucrats--are best
 equipped to decide how long their children should stay in school.

 Now, thanks to President Obama and his willing allies in Congress,
 we're going to have to fight this in Congress, too. We need to make
 sure that the White House, and their allies in Congress hear our
 message loud and strong: leave education decisions to parents.


 Right now, please call the White House, and your members of Congress,
 and give them this message:

 "Last night, President Obama called for the government to mandate that
 all children stay in school until they graduate or turn age 18. This
 is not the federal government's responsibility. Leave education
 decisions to parents, not federal bureaucrats. Tell President Obama
 to withdraw his compulsory attendance mandate immediately."

 The White House: 202-456-1414, or send an online message:

 Your U.S. representative and two U.S. senators: 202-224-3121
 (Capitol Switchboard) or to
 find their names and contact info.

 There appears to be no limit to this president's desire for power.
 Car companies, banks, doctors, and now schools and the family. But
 this time he's gone way too far, and homeschoolers and freedom-loving
 Americans need to make sure that he hears our message.

 Thank you for standing with us for freedom.


 Michael P. Farris, JD, LLM
 Chairman, HSLDA

 P.S. Click here to watch the
 president threaten education freedom in last night's State of the
 Union speech.

 The HSLDA E-lert Service is a service of:  
 Home School Legal Defense Association
 P.O. Box 3000
 Purcellville, Virginia 20134
 Phone: (540) 338-5600
 Fax: (540) 338-2733

Importance of the Family

This blog has arisen out of a strong impression to study the family and why it is truly important not only in Gods plan for us, but why it is important for society, for individuals and for the world at large. The family is central to the creators plan, and I believe that strengthening, protecting, and supporting this essential unit will yield bounteous blessings from our Father in heaven. 

I also believe that no matter the walk of life that we are in, we all have a part in defending the family. Sister Barbara Thompson stated, "I am a member of a family. I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, and a granddaughter. I do have responsibilities-and blessings-because I am a member of a family. Even if I were the only living member of my family, I am still a member of God's family, and I have responsibility to help strengthen other families." (Barbara Thompson, "I will Strengthen Thee; I will Help Thee," Ensign, Nov. 2007, 117.)

 President Spencer W. Kimball stated, "The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us... We know that when things go wrong in the family, things go wrong in every other institution in society." I too believe that if we are to protect our families we must strengthen them and be aware of the adversaries plan to destroy them. Join me in studying the family, learning of its vast importance, knowing how to strengthen it, and deciphering Satans lies regarding this sacred unit called the family.  I would love to hear you in your efforts to strengthen home and family. 

