
Monday, February 13, 2012

Doctrine of the Family

I recently picked up the February Ensign and read the article by Elder Cook entitled "The Doctrine of the Father". I love it! He beautifully discussed many things that I have been thinking about and seeking answers on. I love the quote below because truly emphasizes that ALL things created and instituted by God are for the express purpose of drawing us closer to Him. Here are a few of the quotes that have imprinted light into my soul.

1. "The purpose of all that the Father has revealed, commanded, and initiated for the inhabitants of earth is to help us come to know Him, emulate Him, and become like Him so we can return to His holy presence. Eternal life is to know the Father and His holy Son, Jesus Christ (see John 17:3Jacob 4:5Moses 5:8)."

When we live according to the divine pattern instated by God, we are blessed with the greatest blessing of all, to truly know God. That divine pattern is the pattern of the family. God himself lives this celestial family order. We eventually can become like him, so He has given us the opportunity to have a family and be apart of families here on earth. What a big stewardship! My husband puts it well when he says, "you can't learn how to play soccer by playing football." Likewise, we cannot learn to become Heavenly Fathers and Mothers if we are not living the pattern of Godhood here on this earth. 

2. "Central to knowing the Father is understanding the revealed pattern of family. The family is the most important unit in time and in eternity and is ordained of God.1 Living in loving family relationships not only brings us great happiness, but it also helps us learn correct principles and prepares us for eternal life.2 In addition, family relationships help us know, love, and understand the Father. " (emphasis added)

3."In God’s revealed pattern for righteous families, the birth of a child is the result of a conscious and loving choice. It is the miraculous result of caring and deliberate actions taken by parents to participate with Heavenly Father in the sacred process of creating a mortal body for one of His spirit children. Knowing that our life is the result of a loving choice and a deliberate act can give us a sense of our great personal worth in mortality. That sense of worth can reassure us of our potential and protect us from temptations." (emphasis added)

This goes hand in hand with what I have been studying about conscious conception, or intentional parenthood. There are actually physical, emotional, and spiritual implications that occur, positive, or negative, in the unborn child depending on how the parents conceived. I agree with Elder Cook that righteous parents do not postpone, hinder, or have 'accident' babies that come as a result to failed birth control. When we are consciously conceiving and turning our fertility over to the Lord, He blesses us and our families with a multiplicity of blessings. As mentioned in the family proclamation to the world, the means by which life is created is important to the Lord. This means how babies are conceived, carried, birthed, and raised are very important to our Heavenly Father. 

4.Righteous parents not only make deliberate and loving choices to bring children into the world, but they also prepare, pray, and eagerly wait during the period of gestation, anticipating the birth of their child. After birth they delight in holding, talking to, caring for, and protecting their child. They learn the baby’s individual patterns and needs. They know the child better than the child knows himself or herself. Regardless of the number of children parents have, each is an individual to them."

This statement combats a lot of the worlds beliefs about families that the more kids you have, the less love and attention they receive. I do not doubt that in some cases parents have failed in this regard, but Elder Cook firmly states that 'regardless of the number of children parents have, each is an individual to them." Parents, if close to the Lord, will receive direction and intimate guidance as to how each of their children need love and companionship. God cares about His children. Parents are doing the work of God, and are thereby entitled to receive His loving help and guidance. I truly believe that parents know the needs and wants of their children, and God can help them fulfill those needs and wants regardless if they have 2 kids or 12.

It is very important to have a testimony of the Doctrine of the Family and parenthood because not only do we need to defend it, but we can receive great blessings by doing so. 

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